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Child Pornography Possession – Retired Redondo Beach Teacher Arrested

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Every state in the nation has laws against child sex abuse, and there are also federal laws that are aimed at punishing such actions. Child sex abuse is a serious problem in the United States, but it is not only a domestic issue. The sexual abuse and exploitation of minors are happening all over the globe, and children are victimized every day. Children can be mistreated through physical, psychological, and visual means. A perpetrator does not have to actually touch a child to be arrested for a child sex abuse incident because possessing child sexual abuse materials is also a crime.

In California, the stories of child sex abuse that are prevalent in the news seem to be n                                                ever-ending. The Golden State undoubtedly has its issues keeping children safe. When it comes to sexual abuse of a child, in as high as 93% of cases, the child knows the perpetrator. This means that many trusted people in a child’s life, including family members, friends, teachers, and mentors, can all potentially take advantage of a child in their care.

If you know a child that has suffered sexual abuse in California, it may be possible to take legal action and secure financial compensation for the damages that were suffered. To learn more about if this is possible for your situation and what you can do, please reach out to the California child sex abuse attorney at Beck Law P.C. 

Redondo Beach Unified School District – Child Pornography Possession Arrest

The Redondo Beach Unified School District has been one of the most recent stores in the news concerning child sexual exploitation at the hands of retried teacher Leo Lanctot. According to reports, Lanctot was arrested for the alleged crime of having child sexual abuse material in his possession. The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed that their Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce was alerted to child pornography being uploaded online, specifically to a certain social media platform. Once investigated, it was found that the individual uploading the material was actually Lanctot.

Lanctot, aged 67, is a former teacher at RBUSD. After a search warrant was issued, the LAPD ICAC found evidence of child pornography at Lanctot’s residence and seized it. As a result, Lanctot was arrested. 

The LAPD has indicated that the material taken into evidence against Lanctot may not be all that the former teacher had. There is reason to believe that other victims exist. Therefore, the LAPD urges the public to call Detective Meares at (562) 624-4027 with any additional information.

Speak to a California Child Sex Abuse Attorney Today

Child sexual abuse is so common that according to research out of Darkness to Light, a non-profit advocacy group whose goal is to end child sexual abuse, as many as one in 10 children will experience some sort of sexual abuse before they reach the age of 18. 

For help with a child sexual abuse case, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Sonoma child sexual abuse lawyer at Beck Law P.C. by calling (707) 576-7175. 

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