Child Endangerment Attorney
Santa Rosa Child Endangerment Attorney
Do I need a child endangerment attorney? If you have been charged with child endangerment or child neglect, think of calling our experienced Santa Rosa child endangerment attorneys to represent you. Our attorneys know child endangerment law and can work with you toward the best resolution for your case. This is especially true if you are involved in an active divorce or child custody case. It is not unheard of for a former or soon to be ex-spouse to accuse a partner of child endangerment or child neglect. They may even couple the allegation with a domestic violence restraining order. If the reporting party is your former partner or one of their family members, the court may have serious concerns about the accuracy of their child endangerment claims.
Child endangerment or child neglect involves failing to provide for a child. Negligent acts against a child include providing less than adequate food, clothing, shelter, and supervision. When a person makes a report of child endangerment or child neglect, typically, a law enforcement office or social services worker will investigate the matter.
The penalties for child endangerment or child neglect may be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on exactly what acts were committed and the amount of harm that the child faced. Persons who take a plea offer can lose their parental rights.
FAQs about child endangerment or child neglect
- If I am charged with child endangerment or child neglect, will I be allowed to see or care for my child?
The answer is usually no. The court will issue a pretrial release order that requires that you not see or care for your child. It is likely that your child will be removed from your care and placed in the custody of the other parent, a relative, or an appropriate caregiver.
- If I have an active divorce or child custody case, should I get an attorney who knows both family law and criminal defense?
Yes, it is helpful for you to have an attorney who knows both areas of the law. This way the attorney can advise you as to how the cases interact, will not have to play catch-up between the cases, and can work toward a goal that serves you well in both cases. Beck Law’s Sonoma County child endangerment or neglect attorneys know both criminal and family law.
- What should I do if I don’t have an attorney yet, and I have both an active divorce or child custody case and an active criminal case?
Ask that the divorce or child custody case be stayed until your criminal case is resolved. Hire an attorney who can work with you to resolve both cases. It is important that you not make statements in a civil case that could act to your detriment in the criminal case.
- Can my child testify against me?
Yes. Generally, this depends on the age of the child and/or their ability to speak truthfully in court, and recall events.
- What defenses do I have?
Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to argue that you:
- Did not intend to endanger or neglect your child.
- You acted within your rights.
- Another party did not tell the truth.
- You were not the party who was responsible for your child and/or did not cause the endangerment or neglect.
- What other problems can I face for a charge of child endangerment or child neglect?
If you have a professional license such as a nursing or teaching license, you may face problems with your license. If you are not a U.S. citizen, this charge could prevent your visa from being renewed. You should tell your attorney about these matters. At Beck Law, we can assist you with regard to a professional license. You should speak to an immigration attorney who specializes in representing clients charged with a criminal offense, with regard to immigration matters.