California Child Sexual Abuse Attorney
Video – $6.8 Million Settlement – Hanna Boys Center
California child sexual abuse attorney office of Beck Law P.C. is located in Windsor California / Sonoma County
California child sexual abuse Attorney Daniel B. Beck is a trial lawyer with more than 45 years experience in several areas of law including family law, labor and employment law, criminal law, personal injury, and civil litigation. Attorney Daniel B. Beck has practiced before the Superior and Appellate courts of California and the Federal Courts of Nevada, Idaho and Washington D.C. He is a member in good standing with the California Bar Association. Mr. Beck earned his B.A. at the University of California Los Angeles in 1968 and his Juris Doctorate from Loyola University in Los Angeles, California in 1971. Additionally, he earned his M.A, at Sonoma State University in 1974.
Child Sexual Assault Lawyer
The California child sexual abuse law office of Beck Law P.C., represents survivors of child sexual abuse. We are experienced in this area of law and understand the great courage displayed by our clients.
Beck Law P.C., stands by the belief that our clients need to be heard.